DOI: 10.24019/issn.2532-0831

Online ISSN 2532-0831

Fondazione Vasculab ONLUS

Journal of Theoretical and Applied Vascular Research

Journal website:

JTAVR 2016;1(2):119-123


Italian Guidelines on Lymphedema: New public regulations 2017


S Michelini1, M Cestari2, M Ricci3, A Leone4, A Galluccio1, M Cardone1

1San Giovanni Battista Hospital, Rome, Italy
2Vascular Public Consulting Room, Terni, Italy
3Rehabilitative Department Torrette Hospital, Ancona, Italy
4Carmide Hospital, Catania, Italy
submitted: Feb 08, 2017
accepted Feb 27, 2017
EPub ahead of Print: Mar 16, 2017
Published: May 1, 2017

Abstract Lymphedema in many countries is still considered an "aesthetic" problem, even though a chronic, degenerative, and debilitating disease. After a long period of study with internal and external experts, the Italian Ministry of Health has implemented National Care guidelines for lymphedema and other related disorders. This Document represents a fundamental element with regards to diagnostic and therapeutic regulation procedures that satisfy the health needs of these patients. In this paper the description of the main constituents of the document that has revolutionized the possibility of access the best specialized care facilities situated in the country.

Keywords Lymphedema, Public Health System.
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Full text - DOI: 10.24019/jtavr.14 - Corresponding author: Prof. Sandro Michelini, EMail

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