DOI: 10.24019/issn.2532-0831

Online ISSN 2532-0831

Fondazione Vasculab ONLUS

Journal of Theoretical and Applied Vascular Research

Journal website:

JTAVR 2018;3(2): 101-102


Multiple Sclerosis & CCSVI


BB Lee1

1Professor of Surgery and Director, Center for the Lymphedema and Vascular Malformations, George Washington University, Washington DC, USA.
submitted: Jan 7, 2019
accepted Jan 7, 2019
EPub ahead of Print: Feb 26, 2019
Published: Aug 25, 2020
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since Feb 26, 2019
Full text - DOI: 10.24019/jtavr.57 - Corresponding author: Prof. Byung Boong Lee, EMail
Citation style: Lee BB. Multiple Sclerosis & CCSVI. JTAVR 2018;3(2): 101-102.

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