DOI: 10.24019/issn.2532-0831

Online ISSN 2532-0831

Fondazione Vasculab ONLUS

Journal of Theoretical and Applied Vascular Research

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JTAVR 2021;6(3): EPub Ahead of Print


Heparin prophylaxis in major sclerotherapy (the Prosclep study)


A Frullini1, P Albano2, P Casoni3, A Cavallini4, A Cristiani5, C D'Ascanio6, M Forzanini7, D Fruttini8, A Gerardi9, P Giannetta10, D Guarnaccia11, OW Lo Parco12, EP Lucca13, D Mancini14, C Ravagli15, M Rendace16, S Paradiso17, G Rosi18, P Pavei19

1Studio medico flebologico Figline e Incisa Valdarno – Florence Italy
2European hospital Rome
3Centro Ippocrate Parma
4private practice Verona
5Mag Medica, Imperia
6Ambulatorio chirurgico e vascolare, Ospedale di Giulianova (TE) Primo Maggio, 183 25126 Brescia, Italy
8Università degli Studi di Perugia Dipartimento di Medicina, Perugia
9Studio IGEA (AR)
10European hospital Rome
11Centro Angiocard Napoli
12OVein Centre, Pescara
13Chirurgia Vascolare Udine
14ASL Bari, Day Surgery Conversano
15U.O.C. Chirurgia Vascolare Velletri (RM)
16Centro Flebologico Rendace Rende (CS)
17Centro Medico Paradiso, Trani
18AngioVascular Medical Center, Perugia
19UOC di Day Week Surgery Multidisciplinare, Padova
submitted: Sep 30, 2021
accepted Dec 17, 2021
EPub ahead of Print: Dec 17, 2021

To study the incidence and the possibility of preventing thrombotic complications during major sclerotherapy for venous insufficiency of lower limbs.
A total of 2489 sclerotherapy sessions were performed on 2010 patients. 1087 sessions (43.7%) were carried out without heparin prophylaxis while in 1402 sessions (56.3%) a prophylaxis with low molecular weight (LMWH) was used. Thrombotic complications were divided into a) post sclerotherapy transient extension (POSTE) if they consisted of a simple extension of sclerotherapy, and b) deep venous thrombosis (DVT) when the complication occurred in a location separate from that of sclerosis.
The overall incidence of a thrombotic complication was 0.52%. Out of 2489 sessions, 8 cases of POSTE (0.32%) and 5 thromboses of a gastrocnemius vein (0.2%) were diagnosed
The most significant figures were reached in the great saphenous vein (GSV) subgroup, where the incidence of complications was 1.91% without prophylaxis and 0.31% (p = 0.009) with prophylactic heparin.
In this study prophylaxis with LMWH significantly reduced the incidence of thrombotic complications when sclerotherapy of the great saphenous vein was performed.

Keywords Ultrasound guided foam sclerotherapy, heparin, thrombosis, varicose veins, sclerotherapy complications
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Full text - DOI: 10.24019/jtavr.120 - Corresponding author: Dr. Alessandro Frullini, EMail
Citation style: Frullini A, Giannetta P, Guarnaccia D, Lo Parco OW, Lucca EP, Mancini D, Ravagli C, Rendace M, Paradiso S, Rosi G, Pavei P, Albano P, Casoni P, Cavallini A, Cristiani A, D'Ascanio C, Forzanini M, Fruttini D, Gerardi A. Heparin prophylaxis in major sclerotherapy (the Prosclep study). JTAVR 2021;6(3): EPub Ahead of Print .

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